New PROUD Ambassadors having lost a family member to a sudden cardiac arrest


Nicole and Shannon lost a well loved, fit and full of life uncle a couple years ago who suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) after exercising at the Manly Harbour.

Unfortunately, by the time the ambulance arrived and restarted his heart, it was too late!

Both sisters now support and promote the Heart Safe Australia programs to raise such awareness about the THREE VERY IMPORTANT STEPS ( 1. Call 000 2. CPR and 3. Shock - Defibrillator) in WA and across Australia.


There is now a donated Heart Safe Australia Defibrillator located at Manly Wharf in a SaveStation AED cabinet, it has been donated due to Charles' unfortunate passing - it may just save another life in the future.


Welcome onboard the Heart Safe Australia movement ladies!


Heart Safe Neighbouhood® Initiative - Saving Lives in Neighbouhoods Across Australia


NINE Heart Safe Australia Program Initiatives to Raise Awareness and Education about the THREE STEPS to SAVE a LIFE