re-energise mind body and spirit to reduce stress and anxiety
re-energise mind body and spirit to reduce stress and anxiety

Corporate Wellness Programs & Team Building


Unfortunately, we are often a HUMAN DOING & HUMAN WORRYING
as opposed to a HUMAN BEING in our day-to-day life!

In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught in a cycle of constant doing and worrying, losing touch with the essence of simply being. Heart Safe Wellness, an initiative by Heart Safe Australia, addresses this concern by assisting individuals and employees in mitigating stress, anxiety, and depression. These are common issues stemming from daily pressures, which, if not addressed, can lead to severe health risks such as heart attacks and cardiac arrests.



Our Corporate Heart Safe Wellness Program is designed to foster team wellness through straightforward yet impactful exercises in breathwork, mindfulness, and dedicated me-time. These practices are introduced as team-building exercises, aiming to cultivate a healthier, more resilient workforce.

Benefits of breathwork, mindfulness and me-time wellness:

  1. Enhanced Team Wellness: The desire for a healthier, more resilient workforce that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and reduced stress levels.

  2. Improved Productivity: Aspiring towards higher productivity and efficiency both at work and at home, with employees feeling more engaged and less drained by their work.

  3. Better Quality of Life: The pursuit of a balanced life where work stress does not encroach upon personal happiness, allowing for meaningful engagement with family, hobbies, and leisure activities.

  4. Stronger Employee Retention: The goal of fostering a supportive and caring workplace environment that significantly reduces turnover rates and builds a strong, loyal team.

  5. Corporate Responsibility and Brand Reputation: Aiming to be seen as a forward-thinking, employee-focused company that values the well-being of its staff, enhancing its reputation and attractiveness as an employer.


“Breath, our vital life force, holds the power to transform our holistic wellbeing when utilised effectively.

Our program introduces simple but powerful breathwork exercises that can be seamlessly integrated into daily routines, offering a practical tool for stress and anxiety reduction and increasing productivity.


“YESTERDAY is history, TOMORROW is a mystery! Living in the NOW with AWARENESS and GRATITUDE is a way of life to keep a healthy holistic mind + body + spirit”.

Embracing the present moment with awareness and gratitude is essential for maintaining a balanced mind, body, and spirit. Our program emphasises the importance of mindfulness amidst the daily hustle, encouraging practices that nurture a state of well-being despite the pressures of work, family, and endless to-do lists!

ME Time Wellness

Are you too BUSY and never have enough TIME for YOURSELF?

It’s TIME for some well-deserved ME TIME!

In the constant busyness of life, it's crucial to carve out time for oneself. Our approach advocates for quality over quantity, encouraging individuals to dedicate moments for self-care, thereby re-energizing mind, body, and spirit. Prioritizing self-care is not selfish; it's necessary!

Corporate Packages – Team Building

Heart Safe Australia proudly offers Corporate Team Building Packages, which encompass Breathwork, Mindfulness, Me-Time Wellness, and engaging Team Building exercises:

3-Hour Breathwork – Mindfulness and Team Building Workshop

  • Breathwork to be used daily to re-energise mind + body + Spirit.

  • Mindfulness introduction with practices

  • Fun Team Building exercises & games.

Healthy Mind + Body + Spirit Subscription

  • Weekly communication with information, exercises, games and more


Wellness Corporate Retreats – Team Building

  • Choose between a 1-day or 3-day offsite retreat.

Workshop Facilitator

Breathwork & mindfulness
are important aspects of my day-to-day life. – Max Dagenais

Max Dagenais, the founder and heart behind Heart Safe Australia, Heart Safe Wellness, and the Re-energise Mind & Body Wellness programs, brings over 15 years of experience in breathwork, mindfulness, yoga and meditation.

As a yoga teacher, mindfulness practitioner, and masseuse, Max is dedicated to providing holistic wellness solutions that empower individuals to rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit.

His expertise has benefited a wide range of clients, including corporate teams and professional athletes, enhancing their overall state of wellbeing.

Contact Our Heart Safe Wellness team

For more information on how our wellness and team building programs can benefit your team, contact us by filling in the form below or contact our wellness team at or 1300 354 728.