Heart Safe Farm Lifesaving Program Initiative - Saving lives on Farms across Australia

Introducing our "Heart Safe Farm" initiative – a life-saving program designed to empower farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to act swiftly and effectively in the event of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) outside of hospital settings.

Is Your Farm Situated Beyond a 3 to 5-Minute Reach from Emergency Services?

This initiative focuses on three critical steps that can significantly increase the chances of survival during such emergencies. Moreover, it highlights the indispensable role of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in saving lives, particularly in the agricultural heartlands of Australia.

Join us in making every farm across the nation a safer place, where every second counts and every action can mean the difference between life and death. 

Defibrillators: Your "Doctor in a Box"

Defibrillators act as an immediate medical responder, analyzing the patient's condition, guiding through CPR, and, if necessary, delivering a shock to restart the heart.

Familiarity with the location of defibrillators and understanding their operation are critical in enhancing the chances of survival during a cardiac arrest. Defibrillation within three minutes of a collapse can significantly increase survival rates to over 70%.

Need a Defibrillator (AED) ?

Defibrillator Combo for Schools

Find out more about our Heart Safe Farm lifesaving program

Contact Heart Safe Australia if your farm needs defibrillators or more information to become a Heart Safe Farm to help save lives.

We're here to support you in making your farm a safer place for everyone.

Find out more about our 12 lifesaving Programs to create Heart Safe Environments and Communities across Australia.


Heart Safe Wellness - Re-Energise MIND, BODY and SPIRIT for WELLBEING


Students Learning to Save Lives with our Heart Safe School Program